Thermosphere and ionosphere forecasts for satellite operations and GPS corrections.


forecast-hindcast atmospheric models

Accurate models of the Earth's atmosphere, from ground through to exobase, are indispensible for satellite operations, remote sensing imagery analysis, and GPS corrections.

The WAM-IPE (Whole Atmosphere Model-Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics) Forecast System (aka WFS) provides thermosphere and ionosphere forecasts on a 48 hour horizon. The model accounts for solar, space weather, and lower atmosphere forcing effects.

Interrogate these models directly from your software using our standard web Application Programming Interface (API).

We offer a 14 day free trial with ongoing subscriptions starting from $100 per month and supported by a Service Level Agreement.

ionosphere forecast map

A 24 hour forecast of the Total Electron Content, in 20 minute increments, is shown below, demonstrating the fine structure and diurnal variation.

TEC data is essential to correcting GPS signals at your location, ensuring accuracy in positioning.

Access IPE TEC forecast data directly from your software via our Atmosphere web API.